Health Care & Social Services

2009 - 2010 curriculum of the Degree Programme in Nursing, Bachelor of Health Care

Basic studies

52PN001 Studying Skills and Professional Growth, 4 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The students are familiar with the principles of the system of universities of applied sciences (UAS) in Finland and the operation of their own UAS. They are familiar with their own degree programme and its structure as well as the required knowledge and skills related to their future educational profession. The students are motivated and committed to goal-oriented studying. They are aware of and know how to use various study support services and can apply the principles of self-guided studying and other contemporary learning-theoretical views. The students develop their ability to learn and their studying potential through assessment and continuous self-assessment in their studying and professional growth. The students improve their information retrieval abilities.

Literature and other material: Provided at the beginning of the course.

Evaluation of the course: Grading scale pass/ fail. Active attendance, exercises/assignments and an alumni interview, consultations.

3YN4002 Finnish for Foreigners, 3 credits


52PN005 Swedish Language and Communication, 3 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The students develop their communication skills and become familiar with their professional field and Nordic culture in Swedish. The students are to achieve language skills similar to the skills required of civil servants with a university degree working in two-language regions and necessary to practise the profession and for professional development. Foreign students take the Finnish for Foreigners course. The course will introduce the students to the Finnish language and helps them to manage in everyday situations. Content: to understand and produce spoken and written language in different general and especially professional situations of using the language, to develop oral language skills needed in the profession (e.g. interview exercises, conversation, introduction and presentation in a group and to a group), to process written material dealing with the professional field (e.g. articles in journals, surveys, literature), to produce written texts (e.g. an application, a CV, writing of summaries).
Learning methods of the course: Contact teaching and independent work. On contact lessons different language skill sectors are trained actively, e.g. by working orally with themes in different ways. The independent work can include preparation for contact lessons (e.g. becoming familiar with texts) and further working of lessons material.

Literature and other material: Provided at the beginning of the course

Evaluation of the course: Grading scale 1 - 5. The performance includes active attendance in contact teaching, an assessed oral presentation and a written examination.

52PN003 Nursing Research, 5 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The students are familiar with the objectives and principles of nursing research and project work as well as the research object of their field. They master the basic methods and process phases of quantitative and qualitative research and project work. The students understand the basics of scientific thinking and recognize the significance of nursing research and project work in the development of nursing practice, education, and management. The students function in accordance with the ethical basis of nursing research and project work when working on their thesis and when engaged in working life-related research and development projects. The students use scientific publications related to their field when studying and doing research and development work. This is done in the students’ native language and a foreign language.

Learning methods: Cooperative and investigative learning are utilized to reflect on and deepen the issues discussed during the lessons. Construction of knowledge within the learning process by utilizing new and previously acquired knowledge in such a way that previous and new knowledge are combined, resulting in a comprehensive and deep understanding of the studied phenomena. Knowledge acquired through lessons, exercises, and cooperative assignments is deepened through course literature, articles and other supportive material.

Literature and other material: Topical, field-related articles. Databases, Internet.

Evaluation of the course: Grading scale 1 - 5.

52PN004 Oral Communication and Academic Writing, 3 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The students become familiar with the central theories and concepts of oral communication. They learn to perceive and interpret their perceptions in different communication situations. The students know how to receive and give feedback. They recognise themselves as communicators: speakers and writers. The students are able to express and analyse their own thoughts in writing. They know how to assess and work on their own text. They are able to prepare a written presentation in a matter-of-fact style, correct both in language and in style and are familiar with the special requirements of writing scientific papers and theses.

Learning methods: Lectures, exercises, independent work, operational and drama methods, workshops and group work exercises.

Literature and other material:  Provided at the beginning of the course.

Evaluation of the course: Grading scale 1 - 5.

52PN006 English Language and Communication, 3 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The aim of the course is for the students to achieve a high level of academic and professional English by focusing on reading, writing and speaking skills. In addition, the students should gain the confidence and ability to communicate using English in work. They are capable of interactive, client-centred oral and written communication.

The degree certificate has the following statement concerning the English language: The student’s oral and written skills in the degree program’s mandatory foreign language(s) are at a level necessary for practicing an occupation and for professional development (352/2003, 8 §). The degree certificate does not show the English grade.

Learning methods: The methods emphasize experiencing, interaction, and problem-orientation. The students learn through studying actively as individuals, pairs, and teams and take the responsibility of their own learning while acknowledging their personal learning styles.
Literature and other material: Provided at the beginning of the course.

Evaluation of the course: The evaluation of the study unit is based on process and product evaluation, that is, on continuous evidence resulting from various learning assignments and activeness during the lessons. In addition, there is a written and an oral examination. The grading scale is 1 - 5. The entry level is the European frame of reference level B. In the UAS, the grade ’fail’ equals the European frame of reference levels A1 and A2 (basic language skills).

52PN008 Behavioural Sciences in Nursing, 3 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The students understand the bio-psycho-social whole of an individual as well as health and sickness-related behaviour in the various stages of life. They concentrate on the salient questions of education, teaching and learning and acquire skills required of healthcare experts whose task is to support individuals, families, and communities. The students acknowledge their responsibility pertaining to their own professional development and the development of nursing. Content areas: Health psychology, human life span, mental self-regulation, health behaviour theories and models, lifestyles as a basis for health, stress and its management, pain, and the course of illness. The concept of science, the concept of education, the science of education, the sectors of the science of education, educational research, learning concepts and their relation to nursing, alternative pedagogies and their relation to nursing pedagogy and nursing didactics.

Learning methods: Active attendance, cooperative learning and a learning assignment and/or an examination.

Literature and other material: Provided at the beginning of the course.Evaluation of the course: Grading scale 1 - 5. An examination or an assignment.

52PN009 Social Sciences in Nursing, 3 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The students have a general understanding of the principles and meanings behind the social policies of different societies. The students recognise the factors influencing health and wellbeing in society. They know the main national diseases and threats to wellbeing, understanding the importance of their proactive prevention. They understand the role of public, private and third-sector health and social services and the subsistence security system in ensuring health and wellbeing.
Content area: the health care and social service organisation; the central concepts of public health science and its methods; Finnish and global public health problems and risk factors, social policy, wellbeing, health, equality, social and public health problems and their risk factors and the concept of man within social policy. A global and multicultural viewpoint to the above-mentioned issues. Learning about Finnish social policy in practice and studying the concrete aspects of social and health services through excursion.
Learning methods: Active attendance, discussions and independent studying, web-based learning.

Literature and other material: Provided at the beginning of the course.

Evaluation of the course: Grading scale 1 - 5.

52PN010 Computer Skills, 3 credits

Learning outcomes and contents of the course: The students become trained to use software tools and understand their significance in the tasks of their professional field. The students are able to apply their skills in new computer environments and in other situations of everyday life.

Content: to become familiar with computer hardware and other peripheral devices, to command the Windows operating environment, to get acquainted with the Internet and digital communication, to learn the basics of word processing and spreadsheet programmes, to learn to create brochures, publications, and presentations with a computer.

Learning methods: Active attendance, assignments, web-based learning
Literature and other material:  Provided at the beginning of the course.

Evaluation of the course: Grading scale 1 to 5.