Curriculum of the Degree Programme in Business Infromation Technology 2007 - 2008

Basic studies

3I1001 Learning Skills and Professional Growth, 3 cu

Objective: The basic goal of this course is to train the students for studying, offer information about study techniques and deepen their knowledge of personal characteristics.


  • information about study techniques
  • personal analysis
  • intrapreneurship
  • career building
  • goal setting in general

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, assignments and exercises

Literature and other materials: Janasz, S. C. 2002. Interpersonal skills in organizations. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Assessment: Learning diary will be assessed on the scale 0 - 5.

More information: Lectures and tutorials are compulsory.

3I1022 Project and Team Work, 3 cu

Objective: The main objective of this course is to train the student for project based learning, offer tools for team and project work.


  • basics of project work (concepts, scheduling, tasks and activities, documentation)
  • team formation
  • conflicts of teamwork
  • communication and feedback in teams

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, teamwork, assignment and exercises

Literature and other materials:

Lecture material:

  • Belbin, R. M. Management teams. ISBN 0750659106.

Assessment: Exercises will be assessed on the scale 0 - 5.

More information: Teamwork assignments are compulsory.

3I1023 Introductory Project, 6 cu

Objective: After the first project students know basics of team and project work. They are also aware of the skills needed in information technology and opportunities offered by the local companies. The first project helps the students to train working in teams, practice information retrieval and develop their oral and written language skills in English. More detailed description of the firs project is defined in the project teaching plan.

Learning and teaching methods: team and project work, exercises and assignments

Literature and other materials: literature used in course 3I1022

Assessment: individual project work 50 % (assignments, oral and written examinations), teamwork 50 % (project report, presentations)

2B1100 Mathematics and Statistics, 6 cu

Objective: Students will study the basics of business mathematics including at least: whole numbers and decimals, fractions, percent, payroll, mathematics of buying and selling, and simple and compound interests. Also, students will learn the basic statistical concepts and principles, descriptive statistics, the notion of probability, and some discrete and continuous probability distributions.

Learning and teaching methods: lectures coupled with a good deal of practical problem-solving tasks

Literature and other materials:

  • Miller, C. & Salzman, S. & Clendenen, G. 2003. Business Mathematics. 9th edition. Addison Wesley. Pearson Education.
  • Groebner, D. et al. 2005. Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach. 6th edition. Pearson Education. Prentice Hall.

Assessment: Written examination at the end of the course. Furthermore, students are expected to make 2 assignments. Participation in lectures is also required.

More information: The course will help students to enhance their knowledge in mathematics and statistics and to learn solving relevant problems in the business context.

3I1024 Finnish for Foreigners or Swedish, 3 cu

Objective: The course will introduce the student to Finnish language and help to manage in everyday situations.

Learning and teaching methods: lectures

Literature and other materials: will be informed later

Assessment: written exam

2B2102 Computing English, 3 cu

Objective: The objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge and skills in the English language with a clear focus on EDP vocabulary and structures. The student will be made aware of risks involved in computing and to behave responsibly with electronic data and tools.

Learning and teaching methods: introduction lecture, online study (using study materials, lessons, forum discussion, study diary, assignments, wiki group work tool) and monitored quiz

Literature and other materials: All study materials are provided in the course environment. Students will gather additional source materials for their tasks from the Internet and electronic databases.

Assessment: scale from 1 to 5.

More information: The version of this course that is taught to BIT is slightly different from the version taught to Finnish speaking Business Information Technology groups.

3I1006 Business and Innovations, 3 cu

Objective: The main objectives of this course is to courage students to consider entrepreneurship as a carrier option. During this course students become familiar with technical innovations and the innovation process as a whole.


  • main principles of business planning
  • searching for the market niche
  • developing and evaluating the business idea
  • creating the business plan step by step: company information, management, finance, manufacturing and marketing management

Learning and teaching methods: lectures

Literature and other materials:

  • Burns, P. 2001. Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Houndmills Palgrave.
  • Mohr, Jakki. 2005. Marketing of high-technology products and innovations. NJ Pearson Education.

Assessment: written exam

2B1203 Accounting and Financial Planning, 3 cu

Objective: To introduce the most common forms of business organization and to discuss the principal sources of finance. To understand the reasons why people need accounting information, the nature of accounting information. To enable students to understand how a balance sheet and a profit and loss account are prepared and how to interpret financial information. To help students to understand the key issues involved in the planning and control process. To develop understanding of ways in which performance is measured and reported within the firm.


  • to know about the most common sources of business finance for start-ups
  • to know about the principal characteristics and features of accounting information
  • to be able to draw up a balance sheet and a profit and loss account and explanatory notes and be able to interpret financial information
  • to understand the business planning process and the role of a financial plan
  • to be able to prepare straightforward budget statements for a small business
  • to be able to evaluate actual outcomes against budget plans
  • to understand the nature of financial and non-financial measures within organisations

Learning and teaching methods: lectures

Literature and other materials:

  • Berry & Jarvis. 2006. Accounting in a Business Context. Fourth edition.
  • Gowthorpe. 2005. Business Accounting and Finance for non-specialists. Second edition.
  • Drury. 2005. Management Accounting for Business. Third edition.

Assessment: written exam

2B1204 Introduction to Marketing Management, 3 cu


Learning and teaching methods: lectures

Assessment: written exam

2B1205 Business Law, 3 cu


Learning and teaching methods: lectures

Assessment: written exam

2B1206 Business Enterprise Project, 6 cu

Objective: The main goal of this course is provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to establish a new business.


  • different forms of enterprises
  • basics of strategic management
  • business vision and mission
  • external and internal assessment
  • implementing strategies
  • financial statement and key ratios
  • accounting and financial issues of an enterprise
  • marketing and pricing
  • business plan
  • business networks and operations
  • information management
  • managing people
  • project management
  • quality management

Learning and teaching methods: instructional methods: lectures, individual and group assignments, and the course project

Literature and other materials:

Lecture materials

  • David, F. 2005. Strategic Management. 10th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Deakins & Freel. 2003. Entrepreneurship and Small Business. McGraw-Hill.
  • Barrow, C. 1998. The Essence of Small Business Prentice Hall. 2nd edition.

Assessment: There will be a written examination at the end of the course. The course includes also several assignments and the course project. Attendance is required.

More information: Students will get the basic understanding of business processes and questions related to the functioning of an enterprise. The course is good for anyone interested in business, or a person intending to start his/her own enterprise.

2B1106 Strategic Management, 3 cu

Objective: The main objective of this course is to get students familiar with skills and abilities necessary for strategic management of an enterprise.


  • basics of strategic management
  • business vision and mission
  • external and internal assessment
  • types of strategies
  • strategy analysis and choice
  • strategy implementation
  • strategy evaluation and control

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, discussions, and course project with final presentation

Literature: David, F. 2005. Strategic Management. 10th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Assessment: Students have to attend at least 80 % of classes. The final grade will be determined by the active participation of students in class sessions and the quality of the course project and presentation.

Additional information: The course is good for all BIT students already having background knowledge in different areas of economics.