Curriculum of the Degree Programme in Business Information Technology 2007 - 2008

Professional studies

2B1201 Basics of Programming, 3 cu

Objective: The student understands how to implement computer programs from written assignment using logical thinking. The student understands the basic idea of programming and how to use program structure, programming methods, language libraries, variables, arrays, data types, input/output functions, decisions and loops.

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for problem solving, programming and object oriented theory. Practical problem based laboratory exercises. Reading source code and comments from code lines. Reading source books.

Literature and other materials:

  • Java Software Solutions. 4th ed. Chapters 1 - 6.
  • Power Point slides
  • laboratory exercises
  • Java basics and application programming interface (API) from pages
  • several other Java books

Assessment: 60 % written examination, 40 % laboratories

More information: Course includes quite a lot excercises, because students need to get familiar with programming environment.

2B1202 Programming Techniques, 3 cu

Objective: Student is able to design logically consistent software using a modeling environment.


  • basic structures of programming
  • algorithms
  • top down design
  • object oriented design
  • modularity and testing

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for theoretical parts. Practical training on software modeling.

Literature and other materials: lecture materials and Internet sources

Assessment: 60 % written examination, 40 % assignments

More information: MS Visio is used in this course.

3I2054 Software Engineering (UML), 3 cu

Objective: Student knows the objects and benefits of modeling, able to evaluate the quality of the produced documents, knows the phases of software development and different software process models and understands the importance of software engineering activities needed to transform the users requirements into software. Meaning of the software quality assurance, testing, software configuration management and project management comes familiar to the student. A student is able to divide the software designing process to different phases. (S)he knows the set of activities, methods, and practices that are used in the production and evolution of software. (S)he knows the documents, testings and other activities that are related to different phases of software development. Student knows the object-oriented UML model and understand how and where to use it in the software development project.

Learning and teaching methods: lectures

Literature and other materials:

  • Pressman, R. S. Software Engineering. a practitioners approach.
  • Eriksson, H. E. & Penker, M. UML.

Assessment: written examination, participation in lectures and exercises

3I2056 Object Oriented Programming (C++ and Windows programming), 3 cu

Objective: The students will learn the basic concepts of objects oriented programming and the basic of object technology. The most important objective: classes, objects, inheritance, polymorfism, abstract classes, introduction of design patterns. Windows-programming using Microsoft Visual C++-language with MFC-class library.

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, laboratory exercises, assignments and exam

Literature and other materials:

Assessment: The assignments are estimated using scale: accepted/rejected. The course will be graded using scale: 0-5.

More information: All assignments are obligatory.

2B6203 Human - Computer Interaction, 3 cu

Objective: The aim of the course is to learn to plan and describe a well functioning human-computer interaction for different purposes e.g. for desk-top applications and web-applications also for international distribution. The student becomes familiar with the newest planning and documenting technologies and tools of the field and is able to test and evaluate software products for end users. The balance point is lying on the modeling process of the HCI using GUIDe method and lay-out planning and usability and documenting them. The course is also including the heuristic rules of HCI planning and localizing the software.

Learning and teaching methods:
Traditional lectures. Reading www material from Internet and using appropriate application programs to make exercises (MS Visio) or programming tools (Visual Basic) to document answers to the exercises. Reading literature and making self supervised works and writing reports. Teamwork is allowed to make exercises.

Literature and other materials:

  • Nielsen, J. 2000. Designing Web Usability. New Riders Publishing.
  • Cooper, A. 1999. The Inmates are running the Asylum. Sams Publishing.

Assessment: To pass the course a student must get an accepted grade from the test. The scale is (1-5). (S)he must do all the exercises and get an accepted grade of them. The attendance rate is 80 % of lectures.

More information: This course is useful for persons, who are intending to become a programmer or webmaster.

2B3204 Software Design Project, 12 cu

Objective: Student knows the object-oriented model and understand how and where to use it in the software engineering project. (S)he understands the importance of the analysis of the presence situation and pre-study for the success of software process. A student is able to plan the software engineering project and identify all the phases of the software developing project. (S)he is able to produce object-oriented diagrams using appropriate case tool for every phase of the project. And (s)he is able to evaluate the quality of the produced documents and the implementation of the plan. (S)he is able to organize the testing of the plan in practice. (S)he is able to implement the software analyzing and design phases of the real working live project and is able to manage the project activities concerning these phases.

Learning and teaching methods: project based learning, supportive lectures and self-supervised working

Literature and other materials: submitted during project

Assessment: The evaluation is based on partizipation on the project work (50 %) and individual results (50 %). The evaluation criteria are described precisely in the project plan.

More information: Attendance in lectures 100 %. The implementation of the project will be described in detailed in the teaching plan.

2B6205 Software and System Testing, 3 cu

Objective: The course prepares students to test software in structured, organized ways. This course provides practical knowledge of a variety of ways to test software, an understanding of some of the tradeoffs between testing techniques.


  • software testing at the unit, module, subsystem, and system levels
  • automatic and manual techniques for generating and validating test data
  • test planning, design, and implementation
  • functional testing
  • reliability assessment

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures and practical classes. Course project which can be done in small groups.

Literature and other materials: Lecture materials. Literature will be suggested during the lectures.

Assessment: Written examination at the end of the course (50 % of the final grade). Course project work which can be done in small groups (50 % of the final grade). Participation is required.

More information: Students will get the basic understanding of software testing techniques and processes. The course is good for students who intend to be programmers or software project managers.

2B3206 Databases, 3 cu

Objective: The student is able to construct a relational database. The subject matter is to know how to analyze and normalize a database, use SQL query language, implement integrity rules and data security, handle transactions and data storage.

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, exercises, assignments, self supervised work

Literature and other materials: Elmasri, R. & Navathe, S. 2000. Fundamentals of Database Systems. Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-201-54263-3.

Assessment: self supervised assignment, exercises during the lessons, test (0-5)

More information: The central theme for the course is to make the students to be aware the importance of the database in a company.

2B4207 Programming Project, 12 cu

Objective: The aim of the course is to give basic knowledge for working in a project. How to start and organize a project. The student will be acquainted with different type of planning, documentation and programming tools. Working with a larger project a students learn to their skills which they have gained during the earlier courses.

Learning and teaching methods: self supervised project work in a group

Literature and other materials: assignment description, material from the earlier courses, programming manuals

Assessment: representation, report, documentation application

More information: Programming project course prepares the student for working in a project team.

3I2059 Basics of Computer Technology, 3 cu

Objective: This course is designed to teach the students the basics of computers (microprocessor, memories, I/O, etc.), as well as provide them with the basic knowledge on assembler programming. Student will get familiar with basic architectures of processors, microcomputer as a hierarchical structure of levels, CPU, RAM, input and output, controllers, with emphasis on the Atmel family, development tools for assembler programming.

Learning and teaching methods: lectures and tutorials

Literature and other materials: Stallings, W. Computer Organization & Architecture. ISBN: 0-13-049307-4.

Assessment: written exam

2B2210 Workstation Operating Systems, 3 cu

Objective: The course will teach knowledge of different types of operating systems, their architecture and function. Students learn how to install, configure and to operate the most commonly used operating systems.

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for theoretical parts. Practical training in laboratory for installations, configurations and operating practices.

Literature and other materials: lecture materials

Assessment: written examination, participation in lectures and exercises

More information: This course is learning the students to operating system fundamentals.

2B6210 Data Network Operating Systems, 3 cu

Objective: The students learn how to install, configure and operate server operating systems and directory services. The aim is also to become acquainted with special features of these operating systems.

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for theoretical parts. Practical training in laboratory for installations, configurations and operating practices.

Literature and other materials: lecture materials, Windows server book

Assessment: written examination, participation in lectures and exercises

More information: This course is learning the students to operate server operating systems.