Business & ICT

2008 - 2009 curriculum of the Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, BBA

Advance professional studies

2B6313 Information Technology Law, 3 credits


2B3304 Data Security of Workstations, 3 credits

Objective: The objective of the course is to learn to install and configure a safe workstation for an end user use. Installing and configuring Windows workstation. Virus Protection and firewall. Data security of e-mail Internet security and web surfing. Spyware and sniffer tools. Backups.

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for theoretical parts. Practical training in laboratory for installations, configurations and operating practices.

Literature and other materials: lecture materials, Internet and database sources

Assessment: written examination, participation in lectures and exercises

More information: This course is learning fundamental workstation security.

2B6314 Data Protection & Methods of Secure Information Systems Design, 6 credits

Objective: The course extends the students’ knowledge obtained in the basic software engineering and information systems courses. The main goal of this course is to study the methods of secure information systems design and development.

The course includes at least the following topics: data security management standards in software engineering, risk management, technical control methods, secure design in the waterfall, spiral models and object-oriented modelling. Each method topic will include the relevant notation, discussion on strengths and weaknesses, application area and principles, and possible problems with the method.
Learning and teaching methods: lectures and several group and individual assignments

Literature and other materials: Class materials. Literature will be suggested at the beginning of the course.

Assessment: There will be a final examination at the end of the course. Also, students are expected to do several assignments. Attendance is required.

More information: The course is good for students intending to be software engineers. The course is also suitable for anyone interested in methods of secure software and information systems design

2B6309 Information Security - Management and Strategy, 6 credits

General description and objectives: This course discusses the principles and issues in business and organizational information security management. The following topics are covered: security management concepts, information security in an organization, risk analysis and management, identifying security needs of an organization, general security policies and practices, documentation, conducting investigations, types, rules, and admissibility of evidence.

After the course, students must know the basic principles of information security management within organizations as well as to know the major strategies used to protect information. Furthermore, students should know how to assess risks associated with information security and how to determine security needs of an organization. Students examine the challenges embodied in various aspects of security such as organization and management, and personnel issues.

Students must be able to conduct an analysis of information security management and risks in a company, a department, or a group. Students employ the use of situational analyses, case studies, and other research-oriented approaches. Finally, students should be able to come up with a set of recommendations how to improve security practice at the organization analysed.

Prerequisites: knowledge of information systems and software development process is necessary.

Instruction method: The course includes a great deal of traditional lectures coupled with practical work (exercises). Students will be asked to do small exercises, present and discuss their findings during sessions. Also, several home works will be assigned. The course assumes that students will read relevant literature as well as the papers assigned by the instructor.

Assessment: Students are expected to attend at least 80% of classes. There is a final examination at the end of the course. Also, active participation during lessons will affect the final grade.

Literature: Materials distributed in the class. Other relevant literature will be suggested at the beginning of the course.

2B6315 Security of Networks, the Internet and Wireless Devices, 6 credits

Objective: The objective of the course is to teach the student how to protect the network from intruders and attacks. The course includes studies about network devices and their security configurations and weak points.

Topics: Intrusion points, attack types, switches, routers, network cabling, NAT, DHCP, VLAN, IDS, firewall, DMZ, Internet connections, protocols, wireless communication and devices.

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for theoretical parts. Practical training in laboratory for installations, configurations and testing practices.

Literature and other materials: handouts, manuals, help files, Internet sources.

Assessment: written examination, participation in lectures and exercises

2B6310 Scientific Writing and Research Work, 6 credits

General description and objectives: The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the basics of research work, different types of research methods and techniques, such as constructive method, case study and survey, questionnaires and interviews. The course will illustrate the differences between different methods and will show the students the main stages of research process. Furthermore, the course aims at improving the participating students’ ability to read rapidly and for comprehension publications written in their field of specialization, such as articles from professional journals and magazines, and research reports. Some of the articles are to be reported in writing and/or for discussion in class. Further, the participating students will be given opportunities to improve their skills needed to compile scientific papers with the primary aim to coach them to prepare and write their Bachelor’s Thesis. Finally, this course includes mandatory Bachelor thesis seminars which are held at the last semester of studying.

Instruction method: Normal lectures and several self supervised studies with the help of information retrieved from databases using network facilities. Students are required to do homework and to write a research proposal and present it in class. Furthermore, students should attend Bachelor thesis seminars presenting their progress in writing theses.


  • active and appropriate participation during class sessions and successful completion of assignments by the due dates 30 %
  • successful completion of the final research paper 40 %
  • participation in Bachelor thesis seminars 30 %


  • Jordan, R.R., 2003, Academic Writing Course - Study Skills in English, 3rd edition, Longman.
  • Saarnivaara, M., Vainikkala, E. and van Delft, M. (eds.), 2004, Writing and Research - personal views, University of Jyväskylä.
  • Woods, P. 2005, Successful Writing for Qualitative Researchers, Taylor & Francis.
  • Blaxter, L., Hughes, C., and Tight, M., 2003, How to Research, 2nd Edition, Open University Press, McGraw Hill Education.
  • Booth, W., Colomb, G., and Williams, J., 2003, The Craft of Research, 2nd Edition, The University of Chicago Press.
  • handouts during lectures, the Internet and other materials written for the students’ field of studies

More information: This course is prerequisite to write a Bachelors Thesis and the students develop their reading comprehension skills and updating their professional skills.

2B3309 Server Security, 6 credits

Objective: To learn the security functions in Windows and Linux/Unix Server operating systems. To implement security and use configuration tools.

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for theoretical parts. Practical training in laboratory for installations, configurations and operating practices. Presentations of security tools and writing report of practical work.

Literature and other materials: lecture materials, Internet and database sources

Assessment: written examination, participation in lectures and exercises

More information: This course is learning security implementations in Windows and Linux/Unix  Server operating systems.