Business & ICT

2008 - 2009 curriculum of the Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, BBA

Common professional studies

3I2054 Software Engineering and UML, 6 credits

Objective and subject matter of the course: Student knows the objects and benefits of modelling, able to evaluate the quality of the produced docreditsments, knows the phases of software development and different software process models and understands the importance of software engineering activities needed to transform the users’ requirements into software. Meaning of the software quality assurance, testing, software configuration management and project management comes familiar to the student. A student is able to divide the software designing process to different phases. (S)he knows the set of activities, methods, and practises that are used in the production and evolution of software. (S)he knows the docreditsments, testing and other activities that are related to different phases of software development. Student knows the object-oriented UML model and understand how and where to use it in the software development project.

Learning methods: Lectures, Problem-based learning

Literature and additional material: Roger S. Pressman: Software Engineering, a practitioners approach; Eriksson, H. E. & Penker, M., UML.

Assessment: Written examination. Participation in lectures and exercises.

2B1207 Java Programming,  6 credits

Objective and subject matter of the course: Students will learn object based programming with Java programming language. Student achieves the skills which are needed to make programs with Java language and she/he will have basic skills to adapt new programming languages.

Topics: Basics of programming and program structures, object oriented programming with Java, GUI, event handling, error handling, file handling.

Learning methods: Written exam, assignments.

Literature and additional material: Java Software Solutions, Lewis & Loftus, ISBN: 978-0321465887

Assessment: Written exam (0-5), assignments

2B3206 Databases, 3 credits

Objective: The student is able to construct a relational database. The subject matter is to know how to analyze and normalize a database, use SQL query language, implement integrity rules and data secreditsrity, handle transactions and data storage.

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, exercises, assignments, self supervised work

Literature and other materials: Elmasri, R. & Navathe, S. 2000. Fundamentals of Database Systems. Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-201-54263-3.

Assessment: self supervised assignment, exercises during the lessons, test (0-5)

More information: The central theme for the course is to make the students to be aware the importance of the database in a company.

3I2055 High-level Language (C-language), 6 credits

Objective and subject matter of the course: Student understands the basics of ANSI C-programming and knows the special features of the C.

Topics: Data Types, Pointers, Arrays, and Dynamic Allocation, Compiler Directives, Preprocessor, Macros, Operators and Expressions, Functions and C Runtime Library, Structures and Unions. Structures, libraries, variables, arrays, data types, decisions, pointers, own data types, loops and file handling.

Learning methods: Written exam, assignments.

Literature and additional material: The C Programming Language_, by Kernighan & Ritchie,  Prentice-Hall Publishing (Second Edition for ANSI), handouts, Web material.

Assessment: Written exam (0-5), assignments

3I2056 Object-oriented Programming (C++ and Windows Programming), 6 credits

Objective and subject matter of the course: Student understands the basics of C++ programming language and can implement largish object oriented programs with C++.

Topics: Data Types, Pointers, Arrays, sub programs, parameter, dynamic memory allocation, class abstraction, inheritance, file handling, dynamic structures, recreditsrsion and basic programming tools.

Learning methods: Written exam, exercises, assignments.

Literature and additional material: Beginning C++ The Complete Language, Ivor Horton, Wrox, Latest edition.

Assessment: Written exam (0-5), assignments

2B6203 Human - Computer Interaction, 3 credits

General description and objectives: The main objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and principles of designing and implementation of user interfaces. Students will learn why well-designed interfaces are important and have a greater usability. Also, we will discreditsss the characteristics of well-designed graphical and Web interfaces and provide practical guidelines for the design process. The course will cover the following topics: introduction to graphical and Web user interfaces and their characteristics, design process, usability, and software tools for user interface design.

Instruction method: The course includes a great deal of traditional lectures coupled with practical work (exercises). Students will be asked to do small exercises, present and discreditsss their findings during sessions. Also, several home works will be assigned. The course assumes that students will read relevant literature as well as the papers assigned by the instructor.

Assessment: Students are expected to attend at least 80% of classes. There is a final examination at the end of the course. Also, active participation during lessons will affect the final grade.


  • Nielsen, J., 2000, Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity, New Riders Publishing.
  • Galitz, W., 2002, The Essential Guide to User Interface Design, 2nd Edition, John Wiley &Sons, Inc.
  • Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., 2005, Designing The User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, 4th Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley.
  • Cooper, A., 2004, The Inmates are Running the Asylum, SAMS (A division of Pearson Education).

2B2057 PHP Programming, 3 credits

Objective: Students are able to plan and develop a web application using database with PHP-language.

Content: Web as programming environment, client/server-interaction (browser/webserver), PHP -programming language, using databases with PHP.

Instruction method: Lections 10h, practising during lessons 20h, self study 50h

Literature: PHP Bible, 2nd Edition (Paperback), Tim Converse and Joyce Park,

Assesment: Test 60%, approved assignments 40%. Scale 1-5

2B3205 Software Design Project, 6 credits

General description and objectives: The goal of the project is to design an information system according to the problem description given by a creditsstomer. The students produce the description of the system identifying the main phases, the main functions and main activities that this information system should cover and handle. The target area will be analyzed by finding all the activities and the conditions, requirements and limitations for these activities and finally producing a specification of the subsystems. The use cases and textual specifications will be done. Then, the students are planning all the objects of each subsystem and identifying all the operations, data and collaborations in detail. And they are docreditsmenting the results by using UML diagrams, and special software tools. The system specification must be tested by using the physical model and testing methods.

Students get valuable experience working in a software designing team. Therefore, one of the main objectives of this project is to give students basic knowledge, understanding and practical skills working in a software project, understanding and applying the main stages of software engineering. Besides of that, this project definitely aims at increasing students’ professional competencies. The project work concentrates on the initial phases of software development. These are: analysing the problem, requirements engineering, and system analysis and design. The students should improve their knowledge in different activities within those phases. Another important objective of this project is to acknowledge students with the use of the Unified Modeling Language for system design. Assuming the background knowledge of UML at the beginning of the course, the students will learn how different UML diagrams are used to model static and dynamic aspects of the information system.

Instruction method: This is a project-based course. The students do most of project work themselves including managing the project. The instructors act more like coaches in this course. The project has contact hours but students are expected to do a lot of work outside the classes. Part of contact hours will be used for supporting lectures. These will cover material in different aspects of software engineering helping you to succeed in this project.

Assessment: The final grade is composed based on the following: final result of the project (30%), individual performance (40%), and learning portfolio (30%).


  • Maciaszek, L., 2005, Requirements analysis and system design, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley.
  • Pressman, R., 2000, Software engineering: a practitioner’s approach, 5th edition, McGraw Hill.
  • Bruegge, B. and Dutoit, A., 2004, Object-oriented software engineering, 2nd edition,
    Prentice Hall.
  • Cadle, J. and Yeates, D., 2004, Project management for information systems, 4th edition,
    Prentice Hall.

2B2105 Statistics, 3 credits

General description and objectives: The course is intended to introduce students to the basic concepts of descriptive statistics and probability distributions which are used in software engineering. Statistics measures are applied, for example, to requirements engineering, design and analysis of algorithms, software design and testing.

This course covers the following topics:

  1. Representation of data (types of data, sampling, frequency distributions, histograms, pie chart, bar chart, Pareto, line chart, and scatter diagrams);
  2. Numerical measures for data description (mean, median, mode, weighted mean, percentiles, quartiles, range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation);
  3. Probability (events, concept of probability, rules for computing the probability of events, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, introduction to probability distributions, covariance, and correlation coefficient);
  4. Probability distributions (binomial, the Poisson, normal, standard normal, and uniform distributions);
  5. Introduction to decision analysis (decision environments, payoff and opportunity-loss tables, expected-value criterion, the value of perfect information, and decision trees).

Instruction method: Instruction method is lecturing coupled with problem-solving during every session. Students are also expected to do homework.

Assessment: Students are expected to attend at least 80% of classes. There is a final examination at the end of the course. Also, active participation during lessons will affect the final grade.


  • Groebner, D., et al., 2005, Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach, 6-th Edition, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall.

2B4206 Programming Project, 6 credits

Objective: The aim of the course is to give basic knowledge for working in a project. How to start and organize a project. The student will be acquainted with different type of planning, docreditsmentation and programming tools. Working with a larger project students learn to their skills which they have gained during the earlier courses.

Learning and teaching methods: self supervised project work in a group

Literature and other materials: assignment description, material from the earlier courses, programming manuals

Assessment: representation, reports, docreditsmentation application

More information: Programming project course prepares the student for working in a project team.

2B6205 Software and System Testing, 3 credits

Objective and subject matter of the course: The course prepares students to test software in structured, organized ways. This course provides practical knowledge of a variety of ways to test software, an understanding of some of the tradeoffs between testing techniques. Topics covered by this course include at least: software testing at the unit, module, subsystem, and system levels; automatic and manual techniques for generating and validating test data; test planning, design, and implementation; functional testing; and reliability assessment.

Learning methods: Lectures and practical classes. Course project which can be done in small groups.

Literature and additional material: Lecture materials. Literature will be suggested during the lectures.

Assessment: Written examination at the end of the course (50% of the final grade). Course project work which can be done in small groups (50% of the final grade). Participation is required.

Note: Students will get the basic understanding of software testing techniques and processes. The course is good for students who intend to be programmers or software project managers.

2B6211 Server Operating Systems, 3 credits

Objective: The students learn how to install, configure and operate server operating systems and directory services. The aim is also to become familiar with special features of these operating systems.

Topics: Operating system selection, server roles, installation, updating, troubleshooting, creditsstomization, hardware and application management, services, storage and file management, networking, system maintenance and recovery.

Learning and teaching methods: Lectures for theoretical parts. Practical training in laboratory for installations, configurations and operating practices.

Literature and other materials: handouts, manuals, help files, Internet sources

Assessment: written examination, participation in lectures and exercises