Business & ICT

2008 - 2009 curriculum of the Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, BBA

Practical training

2B5501 Training for Business Information Technology, 30 cu

Objective: The aim is that a student knows the central and essential aspects of the working life and is able to connect them to the theoretical knowledge that (s)he has learned earlier. (S)he is able to analyze the working situation at hand and to draw right conclusions to solve practical problems and promote the progress. A student must be able to work in a professional work position independently and (s)he is able to develope the work practices at working place and also act as a member of a working team.

Learning and teaching methods: practical training

Assessment: The scale is accepted/not accepted and the evaluation is based on the working diary, assignments in Moodle, the final report and the seminar presentation. A copy of work certificate is needed.