Business & ICT

2008 - 2009 curriculum of the Degree Programme in International Business Management,
Master of Business Administration

Study structure

3rd year

Master’s thesis
18 cr

2nd year

Advanced specialist studies
72 cr

1st year
Advanced specialist studies

Theme 1: Business in Context

To enable growth through internationalization, a firm starts with a thorough analysis of the current enterprise situation, the analysis including personal, firm and network level. When mapping the capabilities, this inventory is a core activity of the management before "going abroad". The topics of this theme provide knowledge, skills and toolboxes to deliver grounded argumentation for management decision making.

Theme 2: Management of Resources

Organic growth can be realized by "going international". Utilizing resources a firm already owns along with the capability to acquire additional resources available through networking offers opportunities to create competitive advantages over other firms. To put these capabilities into action the theme will provide theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to open up roads towards strategic mapping.

Theme 3: International Business Environment

This theme provides the necessary knowledge, skills and practices to design and construct the strategies to conquer, establish and sustain a viable position in foreign markets. These strategies include the understanding, appreciation, and successful management of multiculturalism. The theme approaches strategies from macro and micro levels. It also includes the strategic formulation stage and allows for implementation of the decisions made.

Theme 4: Strategy: Building the Master Mind

To ensure that strategic objectives are met or even exceeded requires managerial participation and coaching. Availability of information is necessary but insufficient to maintain competitive advantage. Innovative approaches to accessing and interpreting information add value to decision making capabilities. This theme facilitates scenario development which can enhance the scale and scope of activities and eventually the performance.

Master’s thesis

To apply the all-encompassing knowledge and skills in international management to a specialized area of the talent’s choice in her/his stakeholder organization.