Business & ICT

2011 - 2012 curriculum of the Degree Programme in Business Management, BBA

The Degree Programme in Business Management develops practical and theoretical competences needed for starting and managing a company in an economically successful way through its growth in local and international business environments. The programme focuses on the development of entrepreneurial talents and decision-making skills. Using case-, problem- and competencies-based activities in an open learning environment these talents and skills will be developed in close co-operation with small and medium-sized businesses (= SMEs).

Novel learning strategies such as case-study writing and problem-analysis writing will support the creation of the entrepreneurial mindset, which is necessary to be able to work in the SMEs in the future.

After graduation students will have acquired knowledge, skills and action readiness to be able to function as an entrepreneur-owner, a manager-owner or a manager of companies or to be responsible for departments of companies.