Business & ICT
2011 - 2012 curriculum of the Degree Programme in Business Management, BBA
Common professional studies
Experimenter in Working Life, 30 cu
Experimenter in Business: The aim is to develop professional growth of the student in High-North business regions. The student appreciates importance of entrepreneurship and adopts intrapreneurial approach to work, realizes essentials of cost-effective business operations, and perceives individual contribution as consequential to performance of work community.
- Economics and Regional Development, 6 cu
- Management Accounting and Business Applications, 5 cu
- Internationalization, Market Research and Statistics, 7 cu
- Professional Reading, Discussing and Writing, 4 cu
- Cross-Border Project, part 1, 5 cu
- Elective Languages, 3 cu
- Preparing for the Practical Training
Becoming International, 30 cu
The student extends and diversifies business competences through assignments for working life, evaluates and assesses for adjustment applicability of own competences in changing operating environment. The student performs productively and systematically, and shows innovative problem solving skills in internationalization projects wit h local organizations.
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 5 cu
- Globalization and International Economics, 3 cu
- Marketing Research and International Marketing Mix Decisions, 5 cu
- Management Across Cultures, 7 cu
- Financial Reporting and Analysis, and Taxation, 5 cu
- Cross-Border Project, Part 2, 5 cu.