Health Care & Social Services

2010 - 2011 curriculum of the Degree Programme in Social Services, Bachelor of Social Services

Basic studies

44P001E Studying Skills and Professional Growth, 3 credits

Objective of the course: Student knows the University for Applied Sciences as a learning environment and the structure, contents and study practises of their own study programme. Student is able to assess their own starting level and challenges of development. Student can work in an objective oriented way using both independent and co-operational working methods. Student learns principles of using network-based learning environment. Content: Studying in a University of Applied Sciences and in the study programme for social services; open and network-based learning environment, learning strategies and styles, learning in a group, professional growth and identity.

Learning methods of the course: Contact teaching, learning assignments, network learning.

Literature and other materials: Curriculum,, network material and other study materials.

Assessment: Passed - failed

44P002E Speech Communication and Academic Writing, 3 credits

Objective of the course: Students become familiar with central theories and concepts of oral communication. They learn to perceive and interpret their perceptions in different communication situations. Students know how to receive and give feedback. Students recognize their own concepts of themselves as communicators: speakers and writers. Students are able to express and analyze their own thoughts in writing. Students know how to assess and work their own text. They are able to prepare a written presentation in matter-of-fact style correct both in language and style and become familiar with special requirements of writing scientific studies and thesis works.

Learning methods of the course: Lectures, exercises, independent working, operational and drama methods, different workshop and group work exercises.

Literature and other materials:

Assessment: Passed from 1 to 5

44P009E Swedish for Finnish Students / Finnish for Foreigners, 3 credits

Objective of the course: Students develop their communication skills and become familiar with their professional field and Nordic culture in Swedish. Students are to achieve language skill similar to the skill required of civil servants with university degree working in two language regions and necessary to practise the profession and for professional development. Foreign student studies Finnish for foreigners -course. The course will introduce the student to Finnish language and help to manage in everyday situations. Content: to understand and produce spoken and written language in different general and especially professional situations of using language to develop oral language skills needed in the profession (e.g. exercises of interview, conversation, introduction and presentation in a group and to a group), to process written material dealing with the professional field (e.g. articles in journals, surveys, literature), to produce written texts (e.g. an application, a CV, writing in references).

Learning methods of the course: Contact teaching and independent work. On contact lessons different language skill sectors are trained actively, e.g. by working orally with themes in question in different ways. Independent work can include preparation for exercises in contact teaching (e.g. becoming familiar with texts) and further working of lessons material.

Literature and other materials:

Assessment: Passed from 1 to 5. The performance includes active participation in contact teaching, assessed oral assignment and an examination.

44P004E English as a Foreign Language,  3 credits

Objective of the course: Students develop their communication skills, become prepared to act in an international working environment and become familiar with their professional field in English. Students are presupposed to achieve such written and oral language skills in two foreign languages as is necessary to practise their profession and to develop professionally. Content: to understand and produce spoken and written language in general and professional situations of using language, to practise oral language skills needed in the profession (e.g. exercises of interview, conversation, introduction and presentation in a group and to a group), to process written material dealing with the professional field (e.g. articles in journals, surveys, literature), to produce written texts (e.g. an application, a CV, writing in references).

Learning methods of the course: Contact teaching and independent work. On contact lessons themes connected with the field are practised and worked actively in different ways (e.g. text comprehension and speaking practises). Independent work includes preparation for exercises in contact teaching, further working with material from lessons and preparation for assessed oral assignment and examination.

Literature and other materials:

Assessment: Passed from 1 to 5. The assessment includes active participation in contact teaching, assessed oral assignment and an examination.

44P005E Computer Skills, 3 credits

Objective of the course: Students become trained to use tool software and understand their significance in work tasks of their professional field. Students are able to apply their skills also in new and different micro computer environments and other situations of everyday life.
Content: to become familiar with micro computer hardware and other peripheral devices, to command Windows operating environment, to get acquainted with the Internet network and electronic communication, to learn the basics of word processing, of spreadsheet programme, to learn to create brochures, publications and presentations with a computer. 

Learning methods of the course: Exercises

Literature and other materials: Announced later

Assessment: Passed from 1 to 5.

44P006E Behavioural Sciences as Basis of Social Services, 5 credits

Objective of the course: Students become familiar with the points of view of psychology, development psychology, social psychology and pedagogy to observe the activities of an individual and a community. Students understand human growth and development as a life-long process. Students become familiar with man´s physical, psychic and social development and recognize the central features of development in order to be able to work with people of different age groups. Students observe man´s thinking and activity as part of a community and the society. Contents: view of human in psychology, psychic activity, psycho-social development in life-span thinking; basic concepts of social psychology, an individual in his/her own social environment, the influence of social structures on an individual; education - different points of view, concepts of man in pedagogy, values in education, awareness of education, thinking and activity. 

Learning methods of the course: Contact teaching, exercises and learning assignments.

Literature and other materials:

Assessment: Passed from 1 to 5. 80% obligation to be present on lessons, further absence is compensated as agreed separately.

44P007E Sociology and Social Policy, 5 credits

Objective of the course: Students become familiar with basic concepts of sociology and social policy and the way these sciences observe and explain society, its structures and development. Students learn to utilize their knowledge of sociology and social policy in professional activities.
Contents: sociological thinking, explanation and interpretation, post-modern sociology, values and practices of social policy, social policy and welfare, social policy in post-modern society (social politics) and welfare seen from the point of view of social policy.

Learning methods of the course: Contact teaching, network learning, lectures and independent work.

Literature and other materials: Esping-Andersen, Gøsta & Gallie, Duncan & Hemrijck, Anton & Myles, John 2002. Why we Need a New Welfare State. Kautto, Mikko & Heikkilä, Matti & Hvinden, Bjørn & Marklund, Staffan & Ploug, Niels (edit.) 1999. Nordic Social Policy. Changing Welfare States. London: Routledge.

Assessment: Passed from 1 to 5.

44P008E Philosophy and Professional Ethics, 3 credits

Objective of the course: Students understand what philosophic thinking means and know how to observe phenomena with the instruments of philosophy. They learn to observe critically the problem of man and society from the point of view of philosophic thinking and research. They understand the way that the philosophic study of man, ethics and social philosophy observe the phenomenon. They know how to study moral problems with the help of ethical theories and concepts. Students internalize ethical principles and policy of the profession.
Contents: Philosophic thinking and activity, philosophic study of man, ethics, ethics and ethical principles of the social field, philosophy of society.

Learning methods of the course: Contact learning, network learning, lectures and independent work.

Literature and other materials:

Assessment: Passed on the scale from 1 to 5.